Owner and Potential Owner Information

If you are an owner or potential owner of a unit in Hale Ono Loa, you may find this information useful:
Before you continue reading, note that this information comes from chatting with owners and realtors. We do not know for certain that it is accurate.
The relatively low maintenance fee covers all utilities such as electricity, gas, hot water, parking, basic cable TV, water, sewer, and garbage.
All of the units at Hale Ono Loa are long-term and short-term vacation rentable. In other words, if you buy a unit in Hale Ono Loa, you can rent it out.
There are no washers or dryers in the units, but there are several coin-operated laundry rooms throughout the complex.
There is no air conditioning in the units.
The property is located in a flood hazard zone and in a tsunami inundation area.
The entire Hale Ono Loa complex is Fee Simple. However, note that the homeowner association (Hale Ono Loa AOAO) owns a large chunk of them.
There was a lot of work done to the buildings back in 2007. Work in 2007 included major structural upgrades, exterior finishes, and seawall maintenance. There were also some minor updates in 2014. More updates are scheduled for the future.
On the plus side, we've been told that most repairs have already been done on this complex. Compare to many other oceanfront complexes in the area that have yet to do so, and are in the middle of or about to begin major repairs.
On the negative side, as a result of acquiring many units and doing all of the recent updates, the AOAO may have large loans and a large percent of the monthly fees may go toward paying interest. So, if you are buying a unit, you may also be buying debt! Do your homework.
We cannot guarantee that the information on this page is accurate. Before making any financial decision, we recommend that you do your homework and hire the right experts.
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